Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Responding to Sandy Story line part two.

Good evening everyone, because of a class assignment for my English class I am going to respond to a passage from the website, and give my interpretation plus feed back whether New York City is adequately preparing for climate change. According to the reading from the passage The Night Sandy Came my belief is that New York City is not providing appropriate accommodations for hurricane victims. The Night Sandy Came is a story created by Mitchel that shares her experience and thoughts of hurricane Sandy. It begins by explaining that she is not the kind of person to remain silent about her emotions. That instead Mitchel is the kind of person who would much prefer to bring into light her dramatizing experiences that have affected her life then to suffer hiding her emotions bottled up. Mitchel also explains hurricane Sandy has had a tremendous impact on her life because the events she has perceived were potentially life threatening. However, Mitchel claims that she was very grateful and fortunate to have close friends to help her over come the whole ordeal who have been very supportive of her and family. What I noticed about the story is that Mitchel becomes very emotional writing about the event and in some way it reminds me of a child pickling a scar that will last a very long time. For the first time Mitchel believed she made a fatal decision staying home and killing herself plus her three children. Being the responsible mother she was Mitchel decided it would be wise to head outside to survey the extent of the flooding outside, but was completely devastated and astonished to find out her home was soon going to be a island with water levels rising from both sides of the horizon. Back home around six in the afternoon her husband Billy decided to take action and make a request to leave the home behind using the family car, but Mitchel recalled that floods were known for dragging cars in directions that would lead to extreme danger and being the good mother she was Mitchel decided best not to risk the live's of the children's. With rising sea levels Mitchel became so physically and mentally destroyed that she toke a break from reality by taking a nap. The next blessed day had signs of a flood that was going to destroy Mitchel and her family receding back to the ocean. Mitchel states in the passage "Decision Making" to explain the importance and urgency to escape  the flood before having no options. However, the implied meaning of the quote suggest New York is making irrational choices that do not protect city residents from the danger of climate change. In addition, New York should really take into consideration implementing responsible plans of action that will prevent residents from experiencing the dangers of climate events. For this reason I believe New York City has some serous "Decision making," to adequately prepare New York for climate change.                    

Monday, April 7, 2014

Instagram assignment (updated)

Hurricane Sandy

Ruben Aponte

Hello fellow bloggers, today's work is for a English assignment asking to write about whether New York City was adequately prepared for hurricane Sandy. My belief is that New York City response to hurricane Sandy was inadequate. The reason for this thought is that I feel public services meant to help hurricane victims did a poor job at relocating most people. In addition, public funds to help victims who lost their homes was not enough to compensate for the physical and emotional damage received. Hurricane victims were also prohibited from returning to their land because government officials claimed the land to be unsafe. According to the passage Blanking The Beach "Militarized gentrification"(chap 64). The implied meaning of the quote suggest the declaration of using brute force to claim land that is already owned in a attempt to modernize. This connects to my idea of New York City's  inadequacy because city officials purposely allowed "militarized gentrification" to private companies. This kind of government favoritism explains why  city residents who lost their homes are now living in homeless shelters with not financial aid from the city. In addition, this is important because the city instead of helping residents is using natural disasters to exploit residents for profit.