Monday, May 19, 2014

Response to Islamic Hate Chart

   The Chart I will interpret today consist of the data, Anti-Islamic Hate Crime Incidents from the year 1995-2008. The range of incidents in the graph begins at zero and ends at five hundred. The highest incidents occurred in 2001 with 481 hate crimes and the lowest being 21 hate crimes the year 1998. Another important pattern that the graph clearly signals is the significant increase of hate crimes after the year 2001. The data is important because it successfully analyzes the relationship between events and race oppression. I would imagine that the significant increase in hate crimes are contributed by circumstances that involve stereotype misunderstanding. To make an important connection this chart relates to the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers, when Kathy shares her experience after 9/11.  Kathy becomes a target for ignorance and ridicule because her beliefs, and traditions for wearing a hijab in public automatically deem her different. If this chart was from the United States I believe that the increase of hate crimes is because our involvement in foreign affairs in locations such as Europe.  The only critique I would like to share includes the idea of adding with in the chart information such as what continent this fact derived from. This will provide the reader the ability to compare data with other continents.

Monday, May 12, 2014

In Class Blog Zeitoun

     Good evening bloggers, today I would like to discuss whether Zeitoun's judgement to remain in the flooded city was the correct decision to make. Although Zeitoun had the responsibility to protect his family's well being from the hurricane, Zeitoun excuse to remain in the city was that a "divine hand" mused him to protect the well being of other individuals as well. My belief is that the text from the book book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers does a good job defining the key wordz" Again Zeitoun felt the presence of some divine hand. The Williamses needed help immediately, help he had not been able to provide, and here was Todd with precisely the vehicle he needed, at precisely the right moment"(Eggers,137).This means after Zeitoun witnesses the blessing to encounter someone like Ted who happens to have all that is necessary to rescue the elderly couple. This is important because Zeitoun is sacrificing his life and family to provide assistance to victims but receives satisfaction from rescuing other victims. An important key word I would like to focus on is "divine hand." The implied meaning of the quote suggest a external force that keeps the balance of life at a point of equilibrium. This is important because "divine hand" relates to the text when Zeitoun convinces the captain of the ship that God is to blame for keeping heaven from falling on Earth. This external force is what keeps Zeitoun in the city rescuing victims or lambs of God to say. For this reason my belief is that Zeitoun is a Martyr because his beliefs are what motivate him to be a good person.  

Reactions to Instagram

 Log into your Instagram account either from your phone or on the computer. Leave a comment on two photographs by fellow students. In your comments, discuss what the image made you think about regarding the future of climate change and New York City. What do you think the image will tell a future historian or time traveller?

This picture made me think of the future generations that will inherit a Earth of troubles. Also this image provides inspiration to think about the well being of our descendants.

A Historian would understand that  sacrificing the present to provide equal chance for our future is how to overcome climate change.

Response to Kelly Baby photo.

This image brings to my mind the importance of a universal society where all individuals look after one another.

A future historian would realize that simplicity is key to happiness.

Response to Yankee photo  

Monday, May 5, 2014

In abundance there is need

Ruben Aponte

    Modern day youth in America have a much better quality of life, but are still not completely bliss. The United States provides enough basic necessities for a well established family to not have to worry about surviving. What I am trying to explain is that compared to third world counties the United States has an abundance of food, and wealth. However, a society that is never in need can have disastrous influence on the future generations who never have to worry about anything because all is given. Zeitoun makes an important claim about the corruption in American culture where the richer get wealthier and the poor diminish. According to the book Zeitoun by Dave Eggers states " God most hated: murder, divorce, and waste." This means Zeitoun was not raised in a generation where he would not understand the value and importance of work. This is important because the quality of life he is providing for his children is for them to follow in his footsteps, and become the most they can. The implied meaning of the quote suggest American culture is corrupting the mind of the youths to become materialistic and robotic.