Monday, March 24, 2014

Ruben Aponte

     This paragraph will provide my opinion as to why New York City is not prepared for climate change and what measures New York can take to resist the consequences of future flooding. My belief is that City officials from  New York lack the initiative to protect the City from catastrophic climate events. From personal experience when hurricane Sandy passed by the City of New York for days residents lost access to basic necessities such as City transportation, electricity, gas and most importantly lives. In addition judging from my perspective that history always repeats, my guess is that the next major hurricane will cause just as much damage as Irene or Sandy. However, do not despair if City officials were to have some ambition to safe guard the City from climate change then global warming will affect local City  inhabitants less. According the article New York is Lagging As Seas And Risk Rise, Critic Warn by Mireya Navarro, "Federal agencies should be investing in protection like sea gates that could close during storms and block surges"(Douglas Hill). Respected engineers like Douglas Hill recommend setting up sea gates in key locations around the City of New York to prevent devastating flooding. Although this recommendation seems like a legit solution will the City of New York loosen a already tight budgets? At the moment not adapting to climate change will cost more damage then trying to find appropriate solutions. This issue is important because solutions can be implemented in the present before they become much worse in the future. At the moment New York City does not have the endurance or resilience to overcome climate change and I strongly disagree the City will be prepared for Global warming in the near future. What is important about global warming is trying to unite the people for a cause that will benefit the masses.                   
Ruben Aponte

      Good evening fellow bloggers, today as asked for a class assignment I will be responding to the feed back received from class peers related to my essay. My peers really enjoyed the length and descriptions used in the essay. In addition what stands out most about my essay was the amount of work to state my opinions while still maintaining my own creative voice. What surprised me about my essay was  the grammar, unlike previous assignments my grammar evaded my classmates focus as the essay remained virgin to sloppy ink mark corrections. Although my essay provided a lot of positive feed back revising and polishing my thesis will help make for a stronger argument. My following steps to prepare my essay to receive full credit will include setting up an appointment with my professor to revise my work, buffing up my thesis, and revising my paper with tutors in the writing center. My biggest concern for this assignment is not my writing but the truth I learned researching my essay that New York City is not prepared for climate change.    

Monday, March 17, 2014

      Hello fellow bloggers, today for a class assignment I will be summarizing, comparing and contrasting two graphs from the book The Climate casino by William Nordhaus. According to the graphs "Consumption per ca pita,"(pg.80) and "Increase global temperature."(pg.80) The first chart includes information regarding the cost of living beyond the year 2000, and as the years pass by the price of everything will constantly increase. In addition the value of money seems to degenerate as inflammation causes the graph to rise dramatically by the year 2100. What the second graph consist of is the change in global temperature from year 2000 to 2200. The graph indicates compared to the first that the higher the global temperature may be the more expensive the cost for living will reach. In addition by the year 2100 the equilibrium of civilization seem to reach a tipping point as the graphs rise dramatically. What is different between the first graph and the second is that even after no growth the second graph indicates that the global temperature will continue to rise. Although both graphs were made to be simplistic the data they explain convey the appropriate message that even children can come to understand. In addition the data provides insight how rapid climate change will become if economic growth continues to inflate and how slowly the climate will change if society were to monitor everything. Either way the climate will continue to change and the only reasonable conclusion to the graphs would be to find alternatives for products that are friendly to the atmosphere. The author suggest the best method for eliminating global warming would be to eliminate corporate "externality," which means to place a hefty tax on products that companies advocate  for contributing green house gases into the atmosphere. What I do believe is that the reason climate change will continue to plaque the human species for generations to come is that those who are on top the pyramid of ignorance are not affected in any way to bother help save civilization from it's self inflicted doom. For anyone planning to have children the information on both these graphs should help you come to a conclusion that global warming will cause pestilence to dominate the world.    

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good evening everyone, my name is Ruben Aponte and for a class assignment I will be summarizing a article posted in the New York Times related to the topic of climate change. As compassionate human being's responding to my blog would mean love to me as every perspective or view point someone has can help me improve my writing skills.
           Evidence to support why the city of New York is not prepared for climate change. According to the article New York Is Lagging As Seas And Risk Rise, Critics Warn by Mireya Naverro Suggest that New York is suffering due to slow progress in developing a flood proof city. With ocean levels that are expected to constantly rise, can it be a risk worth taking? If New York  city officials were to stay passive to climate change then it would cost billions of dollars to repair underground transportation systems that are prone to be filled with flood water. In addition with transportation systems in a halt and parts of the city submerged in water then progress that is constantly achieved will be stunted. However the mayor of New York Michael R. Bloomberg proposes that his "district," is purchasing wet lands located around the coast lines to prepare New York for sea level rise. In addition to come up with possible solutions to effectively deal with climate change Bloomberg has the best scientist that a New York budget can afford researching climate change to come up with strategies to deal with a city doomed by flooding. Other sources suggest a solution to climate change will be installing a flood gate in key points to prevent future flood chaos. My belief is that I disagree with what New York city officials are proposing to prevent economic disaster because of  climate change. Every statement to prepare New York for climate change seems a bit temporary, and not effectively deal with climate change as a long term investment.

          Responding to the "readers share their thoughts," section where readers post their opinions is quite fun and interesting. The first posted by "DOB," the comment is about personal experience when traveling from New Jersey to New York when a flood caused the incidence of a path detour. Who then suggest insight for the constant harm that climate change will cause to people who rely on transportation. Another comment posted by "Rama68," suggest that enough money is spent building luxurious condo's why not invest in flood proofing the city? The last comment was posted by "Kald," and this person suggest that the harm climate change causes does not effect in any way the people who have the wealth and influence to make a real change.    

Monday, March 10, 2014

Summery to the first chapter of Climate Casino by William Norhaus

Ruben Aponte

The Climate Casino by William Norhaus

     The author explains in the first chapter of Climate Casino what exactly is Global warming. William's approach to introducing climate change is by comparing references from sources who agree or disagree with the topic of climate change. Then explains why the title of the book is called "The Climate Casino," the reason behind the genius title is that the author realizes that civilizations are growing in such a rapid speed that no longer is nature independent from human will. This means that if we continue to depend on burning fossil or carbon based fuels to make our life simple, then the climate will continue to increase in temperature. Global warming is a serous problem because it can have disastrous consequences that effect everyone including nature. The warmth provided by global warming can cause heat to increase on ocean, land and Ecosystems. However the author does emphasize that it is not to late to make positive changes to combat global warming. According to the reading Climate Casino Norhaus states " It is clear that rapid technological change in the energy sector is central to the transition to a low carbon economy." This means if the economy were to switch to a more Eco friendly power source then the impact of global warming wont be as chaotic. It's important because eliminating dependency on fossil fuels can end global warming and clean Earth's atmosphere. Nordhaus idea of mitigation to reduce Co2 is important because not seeking the solution to global warming will plaque human generations to come. In addition reducing pollutants from the atmosphere  will reduce human impact on Earth returning natures: natural balance. I believe such transitions that Nordhaus proposes will not set to motion until Eco friendly becomes something that investors can make money off of.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Twitter account made for enlightening

            Hello fellow bloggers hope everyone is having a grand day. For those of you who do not now me my name is Ruben Aponte, and this blog has been set up to provide my perspective of what Global Warming is, and how it will effect the human species using references from articles plus books. In addition my goal for this blog is to debate whether Global Warming is a problem that must be confronted in our generation. The best way to contact me is though twitter by typing in ArgeniusRuben or by clicking this link: