Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good evening everyone, my name is Ruben Aponte and for a class assignment I will be summarizing a article posted in the New York Times related to the topic of climate change. As compassionate human being's responding to my blog would mean love to me as every perspective or view point someone has can help me improve my writing skills.
           Evidence to support why the city of New York is not prepared for climate change. According to the article New York Is Lagging As Seas And Risk Rise, Critics Warn by Mireya Naverro Suggest that New York is suffering due to slow progress in developing a flood proof city. With ocean levels that are expected to constantly rise, can it be a risk worth taking? If New York  city officials were to stay passive to climate change then it would cost billions of dollars to repair underground transportation systems that are prone to be filled with flood water. In addition with transportation systems in a halt and parts of the city submerged in water then progress that is constantly achieved will be stunted. However the mayor of New York Michael R. Bloomberg proposes that his "district," is purchasing wet lands located around the coast lines to prepare New York for sea level rise. In addition to come up with possible solutions to effectively deal with climate change Bloomberg has the best scientist that a New York budget can afford researching climate change to come up with strategies to deal with a city doomed by flooding. Other sources suggest a solution to climate change will be installing a flood gate in key points to prevent future flood chaos. My belief is that I disagree with what New York city officials are proposing to prevent economic disaster because of  climate change. Every statement to prepare New York for climate change seems a bit temporary, and not effectively deal with climate change as a long term investment.

          Responding to the "readers share their thoughts," section where readers post their opinions is quite fun and interesting. The first posted by "DOB," the comment is about personal experience when traveling from New Jersey to New York when a flood caused the incidence of a path detour. Who then suggest insight for the constant harm that climate change will cause to people who rely on transportation. Another comment posted by "Rama68," suggest that enough money is spent building luxurious condo's why not invest in flood proofing the city? The last comment was posted by "Kald," and this person suggest that the harm climate change causes does not effect in any way the people who have the wealth and influence to make a real change.    

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