Monday, March 17, 2014

      Hello fellow bloggers, today for a class assignment I will be summarizing, comparing and contrasting two graphs from the book The Climate casino by William Nordhaus. According to the graphs "Consumption per ca pita,"(pg.80) and "Increase global temperature."(pg.80) The first chart includes information regarding the cost of living beyond the year 2000, and as the years pass by the price of everything will constantly increase. In addition the value of money seems to degenerate as inflammation causes the graph to rise dramatically by the year 2100. What the second graph consist of is the change in global temperature from year 2000 to 2200. The graph indicates compared to the first that the higher the global temperature may be the more expensive the cost for living will reach. In addition by the year 2100 the equilibrium of civilization seem to reach a tipping point as the graphs rise dramatically. What is different between the first graph and the second is that even after no growth the second graph indicates that the global temperature will continue to rise. Although both graphs were made to be simplistic the data they explain convey the appropriate message that even children can come to understand. In addition the data provides insight how rapid climate change will become if economic growth continues to inflate and how slowly the climate will change if society were to monitor everything. Either way the climate will continue to change and the only reasonable conclusion to the graphs would be to find alternatives for products that are friendly to the atmosphere. The author suggest the best method for eliminating global warming would be to eliminate corporate "externality," which means to place a hefty tax on products that companies advocate  for contributing green house gases into the atmosphere. What I do believe is that the reason climate change will continue to plaque the human species for generations to come is that those who are on top the pyramid of ignorance are not affected in any way to bother help save civilization from it's self inflicted doom. For anyone planning to have children the information on both these graphs should help you come to a conclusion that global warming will cause pestilence to dominate the world.    

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